Each piece is unique- please read the description for each piece.
Free shipping within the continental United States. For international shipping please contact John for shipping costs via the "Contact Me" button above. Shipping will vary based on location. Be sure to contact John prior to purchase.
If you would prefer to pay via Venmo, please make sure that you include the word "[Title of Piece] Assemblage" as well as your shipping information. Venmo is @john-santerineross
June Assemblage
$450.00 USD + shipping (Please contact John for international shipping rates)
Us Assemblage
$450.00 USD + shipping (Please contact John for international shipping rates)
Prana Assemblage
$450.00 USD + shipping (Please contact John for international shipping rates)
Hush Assemblage
$450.00 USD + shipping (Please contact John for international shipping rates)
Trapped Assemblage
$450.00 USD + shipping (Please contact John for international shipping rates)
Michelle Assemblage
$1,250.00 USD (+ shipping if international)
Brenna Assemblage
$1,250.00 USD (+ shipping if international)
One's Time Assemblage
$450.00 USD + shipping (Please contact John for international shipping rates)
Variation of a Straight Line Assemblage
$450.00 USD + shipping (Please contact John for international shipping rates)